Best Coconut Free Shampoo Options That I Can Strongly Recommend

In today’s article, I’ve decided to tackle a pretty controversial topic that more and more people become aware of: skin sensitivity and potential allergies to coconut oil. This ingredient is present in numerous makeup, skincare, and hair care products. When you deal with coconut oil sensitivity, the best thing to do is to stop using your current shampoo and choose one that’s coconut-free.

Below, you will find some of the best coconut-free shampoo options available on the market, as well as some important guidelines on how to find and pick the right product for your hair.

The Best Coconut-Free Shampoo Options – Top 5 Choices

The following coconut-free shampoos are detailed in no particular order. I’ve selected them based on their ingredients, customer ratings and reviews, and level of efficiency.

Alodia Organic Hair Wash

Nourish & Heal Organic Black Soap Wash

This Alodia coconut-free shampoo is a great choice if you want to alleviate reactions such as irritations and itchiness. These symptoms might be caused by coconut oil, but other potential causes are worth considering as well: different allergies, sensitivities and intolerances, irritating chemicals, braids, hair extensions, and more.

This shampoo is formulated with tea tree oil and plantain skins, both of which have powerful antibacterial properties. Moreover, it’s free from mineral oil, sulfates, silicone, and parabens.


  • It’s a mild and gentle shampoo that can be used on a daily basis;
  • It suits a wide range of hair types;
  • This shampoo is made from organic raw ingredients;
  • It provides a deep cleanse and nourishment.


  • It’s pretty expensive;
  • It contains Lauric acid, which might also make your scalp feel itchy since it’s a derivative of the compound you want to avoid, coconut oil. But that hasn’t happened in a lot of cases. Only a few users complained about their scalp feeling itchy.

Alodia Nourish & Heal Organic Black Soap Wash | Amazon

Made from natural, organic, raw black soap, this hair wash perfectly cleanses the hair and scalp without leaving it stripped by getting deep to remove gunk and buildup.

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02/09/2025 10:39 pm GMT

Olive Babassu Shampoo Bar by Chagrin Valley

Olive Babassu Shampoo Bar by Chagrin Valley

If you want to stop having clogged pores because of coconut shampoo, you should give this shampoo bar a try. The Chagrin Valley coconut-free shampoo acts mildly and deeply moisturizes your hair. It’s infused with both virgin Shea butter and virgin olive oil. These ingredients will leave your scalp and hair clean, refreshed, and well-hydrated.

It acts as an antibacterial hair care product. With it, your locks will become radiant and silky once again.


  • Your hair will become silky soft and detangled after the use of this shampoo;
  • It’s very affordable, and a bar lasts for a long time;
  • This shampoo removes scalp buildup and bacteria;
  • It’s an effective product made by a reputable company; it’s manufactured in the US.


  • It doesn’t make a lot of foam which might make it a bit tricky to apply;
  • You must create the foam in your hands first and then apply it to your hair.

Mother Dirt Coconut-Free Shampoo

Mother Dirt Sulfate Free Shampoo

Mother Dirt is a biome-friendly coconut-free shampoo that’s made with natural ingredients. After using this hair care product, your locks will feel stronger, healthier, and softer. If you have a sensitive scalp and you’re looking for a fix, this shampoo might be exactly what you were searching for, being a non-toxic one.

Most of those who have used this coconut-free shampoo said they now wash their strands less often than they used to.


  • It’s a mild and non-toxic shampoo that soothes your scalp and refreshes your hair;
  • It doesn’t have a perfume which is great for a hypoallergenic product;
  • This shampoo is made with natural plant-based ingredients;
  • It seems to increase the time between hair washes.


  • It’s a bit expensive;
  • Although it contains numerous healthy ingredients, it still has sodium Lauryl.

Clean Kids Naturally

The Clean Kids Naturally shampoo is a product made especially for children. Therefore, it’s made with safe and harmless ingredients. I love how this shampoo smells of orange. Being a baby shampoo, Clean Kids Naturally is very gentle on your skin and offers deep cleansing of your scalp and hair locks. It’s free from chemicals and pretty affordable.


  • It has a pleasant perfume;
  • It’s a safe and gentle shampoo;
  • This product doesn’t contain parabens and sulfates;
  • You can use it even on color-treated hair without any issues whatsoever.


  • The lathering power could be improved.

Clean Kids Naturally Shampoo Tropical Orange Burst | Amazon

Orange and deep cleansing lime join forces to create this highly effective, yet extremely gentle shampoo.

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Real Purity Chamomile Shampoo

Real Purity Chamomile Shampoo

The Real Purity coconut-free shampoo is the perfect choice for people with skin sensitivities and fine thin hair. I have this type of hair which is straight and thin. These two characteristics often lead to greasy locks, which I simply cannot stand. And, so far, I’ve tried numerous shampoos, most of which made my hair dull and my scalp dry.

This coconut-free shampoo that’s infused with chamomile oil will gently cleanse your scalp, leaving your hair purified and shiny. It contains a lot of amazing ingredients such as kosher vegetable glycerine, lavender, and Aloe Vera. It’s also free from paraben and alcohol. I love how this shampoo is a blend of magnificent natural ingredients.


  • This shampoo boosts hair growth and prevents hair loss;
  • It soothes your scalp;
  • It leaves your locks shiny and clean;
  • The product will moisturize your locks and act as a conditioning treatment;
  • Your hair will become fuller and brighter.


  • I couldn’t find any serious negative reviews about this product. Only one customer said that his scalp still felt itchy after using this shampoo.

The Best Coconut-Free Shampoo Options – How to Choose the Best One

Here are some useful tips on how to pick the best coconut-free shampoo you can afford.

Avoid the Following Ingredients

When searching for a high-quality and mild shampoo that doesn’t contain coconut oil, you should also pay attention to other compounds that should be avoided:

  • Perfumes – fragrances and perfumes, especially artificial ones, will certainly make your itchy scalp issues worse. Under the word “perfume,” there could be over 3,000 different chemicals hidden and undisclosed, so make sure you read the label and choose accordingly. While some of these chemicals have been tested and labeled as harmful, many others remain unknown;
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate – surfactants will make the shampoo create a lot of foam which further makes the product easier to apply and massage into the scalp. Both ALS and SLS are sulfate chemicals but, the second one has recently received plenty of negative reviews regarding its level of toxicity. Moreover, SLS seems to be a coconut derivative; hence it’s unsafe right from the start for individuals who’re intolerant to coconut;
  • Too many essential oils – essential oils have many benefits but, in some cases, they might lead to certain skin reactions. Some people believe that these oils are amazing when they’re used for medicinal purposes, but they might come with certain risks when applied to sensitive skin. It’s best to ask your physician or dermatologist before using any skincare or hair care products that contain essential oils.

Why & When to Start Using Coconut-Free Shampoo

Here are the signs that will tell you it’s time to stop using coconut-based shampoos and start applying other alternatives that don’t contain this ingredient. Regardless of the increased popularity of both coconut oil and coconut hair care products, these aren’t suitable for all people.

1. Low Porosity Hair: If you have low-porosity hair, you’ll need to give up on using coconut oil and coconut shampoo because these items might weigh your hair down and make your scalp flaky, even after you rinse your tresses and wash out the product. Low-porosity means that your hair strands don’t absorb moisture as they should.

2. Coconut Allergy and Skin Sensitivity: Coconut allergies are pretty rare. However, no one can rule out that possibility. The potential reactions vary from mild ones like slight itchiness to more severe symptoms like blisters. Therefore, you should take this issue very seriously. Worst case scenario, these reactions might develop into something that could be life-threatening because of complications.

Something that’s a lot more common is coconut sensitivity or intolerance. This problem leads to milder reactions, some of which could go unnoticed, but they’re annoying, nevertheless. For instance, shampoos that contain coconut oil might worsen the already existing scalp issues you may have.

Your hair could also become too dry or too oily because of coconut shampoo. Some individuals have a sensitivity to the way coconut shampoo smells, and they say they feel nauseous when they sense the perfume.

3. The Appearance of Spots on the Scalp

After washing their hair with coconut shampoo, some people might experience strange spots on the scalp. This is more common among those who already have an oily scalp. The coconut oil could clog your scalp’s pores which further leads to flakes, rashes, and irritations. So, avoiding coconut-based products might be the wisest solution for these types of problems.

4. Dry Hair

If your hair has started to become dry for no apparent reason, the cause might be your current shampoo. Each individual reacts differently when using coconut shampoo. Still, one common thing that occurs in most cases is brittle or dry hair. That happens because coconut retains protein which might lead to several issues in people with high-porosity hair.

This particular problem is called protein overload, and it leads to hair breakage.



The Best Coconut-Free Shampoo Options – Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Why Should You Stop Using Coconut-Based Shampoos?

Answer: Some people are allergic to coconut and nut oils, and they don’t even know about it. Sensitivity to these ingredients can and will lead to a number of reactions and symptoms, including a damaged scalp, rashes, damaged hair, and more. In time, after prolonged use, your hair locks will start losing moisture. This will lead to brittle hair.

Question: How Can You Know That You’re Allergic to Coconut Shampoo?

Answer: There are certain signs that show your sensitivity or even allergy to coconut. One is the fact that your hair doesn’t grow as quickly as before. Your scalp might become itchy and flaky. Other reactions are dry skin, rashes, itching, nausea, swelling, and eczemas.

Question: How Long Will It Take for Your Hair to Get Rid of the Effects of Coconut-Based Shampoos?

Answer: To remove all the residues and traces of coconut oil from your hair and scalp, you’ll need to follow a detox that could last up to 30 days. It’s a great way to rejuvenate your tresses. So, for a full month, you should avoid using any skincare or hair care products that contain coconut oil, castor oil, and Shea butter. Once you stop applying heavy oils on your strands, your hair will become a lot healthier.

Question: What Are the Benefits and Disadvantages of Coconut Oil?

• The pros of coconut oil are the following ones:
It increases the number of proteins that are present in your locks which makes your hair stronger;
Coconut oil boosts your hair’s volume;
It’s a natural ingredient and safe for those who don’t have skin sensitivities.
• The cons of coconut oil are:
Long-term use will eventually lead to protein buildup, and this problem makes your hair brittle and stiff;
If you’re allergic to coconut oil and you’re not aware of it, this compound could seriously damage both your scalp and hair;
Too much coconut oil leads to dry hair because it locks out the natural moisture of your scalp and strands.

Question: What Are the Best Alternatives to Coconut Oil?

Answer: Instead of buying shampoos and hair conditioners that contain coconut oil, you could opt for those products that are formulated with other nourishing and moisturizing ingredients such as Aloe Vera, olive oil, avocado oil, and even honey. All these ingredients will detangle your hair, condition your tresses, remove frizz, boost hair growth, and repair damaged locks.

The Best Coconut-Free Shampoo Options – Bottom Line

Coconut-free shampoos could be the right solution for you if you suffer from allergies or skin sensitivities. The alternatives are suitable for a wide range of hair types. All the coconut-free shampoo options that I’ve presented above are deeply nourishing for your hair, especially if it’s damaged or dry. They will also soothe and calm your itchy scalp.

My personal favorite one is Real Purity shampoo due to its natural and gentle ingredients and the fact that it makes my hair tresses look so much fuller. So, as you can see, there’s a reason why I chose to write about it and include it at the end of my list. I wanted to save the best for last.

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